Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Textbooks should be free for college stuents
The cost of college books shouldbe free or perhaps, more fairly,a listed item within tution fees. Textbooks should be free for college students because we already have to pay for classes and other stuff. Some of te classes that require books you have to get one or more book for that class. Finanical sometimes don't cover your boos ou have to come out your pocket to pay for them. Professors should make the textgbook for he class as a PDF file. Many textbooks I have brought it some times be 50 dollars. Some teachers dcoesn't assign text books. Students buy buy high text book and some doesn' attend to read it. I suggest students should buy they text books fro amazon or ebay they more cheaper. Textbooks is to high for college students because they have other stuff o pay for. In this article they say professors should the materials without regard to cost tostudents. What if we don't have money to pay for textbooks? So, if I don't have any money to get my text that mean I can't get a education. Many people today don't like going to college because all the fees they have to pay for. Text books prices can put a hole in your pocket. Some people say at your school you can take out a student loan or do a pament plan in order to get your books. One thing you can do if you don't have money for your text books you borrow a friend book n your class when hey not using it. Text books should come with the class. Professors have students buy the text books and some of the professors doesn't even use it. Textbooks should be free and education should be truly universal. The higher books is purchased books. Rentals books sometimes will have reasonable prices. You have to pay so much money for text books that are beat up and misuse. Today's students are seeing single books cost as much as 200 dollars( Text books should be free for students who can or can't pay for the text books. Many textbooks aren't worth a lot of money. Students complain when they paid a lot of money for textbooks and when they get it it's all write on or mark up. If we have to pay for books it should be brand new books. Colleges doesn't give students enough finanical aid money to pay for their books. If you don't have money topay or books you should go to a college that have a book voucher. Its always good to find a teacher whohave a online book. Some professors don't require a textbook because they know the price to high for studentso pay for it. In this article they say they don't know what wha a book cost 200 dollars. We shouldn't have to pay for books in order o get a good college education. I understand why we pay for the class but I don't know why we have to pay for books.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
My First Cell Phone
I was 13 years old when I first got my cell phone. My mother came up to my school and give me a early dismissal so I can go get my new cell phone. My first phone was a t-mobile slide up. I had to put half on the phone then my mother put the other half on. All my friends had a cell phone at school so I had want one too. When I got my first cell phone I was excited and happy. I was able to call and text my friends anytime I want to. At school I had to put my phone on silent or vibrate if I don't I will get in trouble. One day I got caught with my phone out in class. My mother took my phone away from me for a week. I still had to pay they cell phone bill even though I was using it. My cell phone had unlimited everything. Having a cell phone is a good thing but don't misuse it. I didn't had to pay for ringtones or wallpaper. On my phone I always had Lil Wayne as my wallpaper. I make sure I took well care of my cell phone. My sister had a better phone then me because she was older than me. My best friend was the only person who didn't have a cell phone she got her first phone when she was 16. I love my first cell phone. I been paying for a cell phone bill since I got my first cell phone. It seem like my cell phone bill was cheater when I got my first cell phone now my bill be over 200 dollars every month. T-mobile was a good cell phone company they always gave me good upgrade prices and they give you two weeks to pay your past due bill. I pay my bill on time every month. My friends use to get mad when I didn't let them see my phone. The slide up t-mobile phone had a lot of games you can play on the phone and they was free. The only thing I hate about the phone is the camera was small and it really didn't take good pictures. I was able to get on the internet and surf the web with my phone. Sometimes the camera use to make me mad because it took burly pictures. When I got a upgrade I got a better looking phone and with a bigger camera. The main reason why my mother brought me a cell phone was for emergency purposes. The first time I got my phone I brought a lot of phone cases and screen protectors. The screen protectors keep my phone from been getting crack or scratches. I had blue, orange, pink, yellow, and green phone cases. My phone always go wherever I go. I never lay my phone down. Every phone I had In never lost it or replaced it. But, I will never forget my first cell phone.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Should school athletes have to be on the honor roll to play in games?
I agree you student athletes should be on the honor roll to play in games. Many athletes main focus be on their football games or basketball games. I think if your grades not good you shouldn't play in sports. Education is more important than sports. College athletes just go to college to play college sports instead of trying get a degree or a education. Athletes today just want to go pro instead of having a plan b just in case they sport career don't work out. Playing sports isn't mandatory but going to school and get on the honor roll is. Coaches love to see players that is very smart. Coaches don't want a dumb person to play on their team. If athletes continue to get bad grades they going continue think its good to play sports with bad grades. I think athletes should at least maintain a C average in some classes. Sports doesn't get you a good job especially if you don't become pro. Some sports you play you do have to be on the honor to play in games. For example, my old high school you have to maintain a B average to play any sport. Playing sports just a fun thing you can do if you not working or going to school. For many students, sports are are an important part of high school experience( Many high school and college coaches kick some athletes off the team because they was getting poor grades. I prefer to be smart and know how to play a sport good at the same time. What if you get hurt playing sports? Students be so tired of playing sports they forget they have homework, quizzes or projects to do. Going to school can get you a better job. Students need to be focus on their school work more. Many students can't balance school work and playing sports at the same times. In my high school all the athletes talk about doing class is going to practice after class they never talk about school . Students get upset when they don't make it to become pro. College athletes always need tutors because they somewhat doing bad in class. I personally don't like sports at all. I like to be focus on a better career for me. It's alot of pro athletes that didn't finish school. In this article they say between homework and social life its hard to keep up good grades. It's good to see a student athlete with good grades. Students play sports in high school so they can get a scholarship for college. Sports are some people passion. I think you should only play sports on your free time not doing school time. If you get a scholarship they will look how good you play and also they will look at your grades too. Many people say smart students is good at sports. think sports keep students off mean streets.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
I Love Shopping!!!!!
I love going shopping for different things like clothes, shoes, jewelry, baby clothes, and electronics. Shopping make me take my mind off different things especially if I'm going through. Shopping is also one of my favorite hobbies. When I go shopping I always shop for things that's in style. I like to go shopping online because you can get a lot of discounts. Discount can knock some money off your reguar price and make it lower. I love looking nice so that's why I always go shopping. When I'm going through some or if I don't want to be bother I just go shopping and take my mind off things. Before I buy things in the store I always ask somebody who work there what's in style. I love going shopping everyday if I have the money. I love buying Nike, Addias, and Jordan gym shoes. Everytime I go shopping my friends ask me can they go with me shopping. I prefer to go shoping by myself. I don't just go to oe store when I shop I go to different type of stores. My mother love when I go shopping because I always bring her some back. It's nice togo shopping for things you like. Some people I like spending money on their self that's why people love going shopping. If you work hard for your money you have the right to spend money on stuff you want or really like. I been love going shopping every since I was a little girl. When I'm was a little girl my mother used totake me shopping with her and she always buy me things. Shopping make me think about positive things. Shopping ease my mind and make me feel relax. The Nike store online be having deals on select shoes. Some stores if you see some online you like it can be ship to the store for free. Teenagers love shopping because they like to wear what's in style or what's hot at that moment. My favorite stores to shop at is Lane Byrant, Nike Store, Footlocker and The Ugg store. Who don't love shopping? Men's sometimes don't like going shopping because they say it's a girl thing. Shopping is very fun and intersting. Going shopping with your friends it can be fun sometimes. Shopping makes me happy. I like owning new things. I like to work for things that I really want. Sometimes shopping can make you tired by kept walking around the mall or the stores. Shopping can be diffucult sometimes because you will get mad if you can't find what you looking for in the store. When I shop I go baby hoping because I have a nephew and cousins. My cousins and nephew alaways say please bring me some back nice. Most of the times when I get done shopping I come ho broke. But, I be so glad that I brought me something and not spend a my money on somebody esle. If I go to a high price store I make sure I bring coupons with me.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Should students wear uniform?
Many students today are claiming about wearing uniform to school. Students always question the school staff why is we wearing uniform. I think why dhould theywear uniform to school and they going to school to learn not to dress in style. I feel kids should wear whatever they want to wear unless its not acceptable for the school. I don't know why the school staff want all the students tolook aike. Students come to school toget a education and try to pass to the next grade. Many students today don't follow rules they going wear whatever they want to wear. Why should students wear uniform? People say wearing uniform doesn't prove anything. Students mothers say wear anything at long its appropriate Unfrms i very expensive especially for poor families. When I was in grammar school I use to lik uniform but I got older I want to wear anything to school. Many high school students today don't listen to people at their school they still wear anything. You shouldn't care what studnts wear a long they come to school everyday to learn. If you wear a large size in uniform the uniform will be a little bit expensive. Every night you goin have to mke ure your unifrm is clean for school the next day. I personally been wearing uniform for grammar school and a lirtle of high school. On they say studens should wear whatever to express they self and uniform shouldn't be the main concern in school. Some schools need to worry about how they going get their students test scores up instead of the uniform problem. Some students don't like looking like they classmates by having the same thing on. Students have different styles that's why they should wear what they want to wear. If staff member can wear whatever they want students should too. Everybody should follow the uniform rules including the staff members.The older you get I think you shouldn't wear uniform. If school have more colors the students is interest inmybe students will wear uniforms. I never follow the uniform rule when I was in high school. I always wear clothes I want towear. You should know if the students go to that school by the way they look not the way they dress. Anybody can walk into a school with the school unifom that doesn't mean the go to that school. I use to love wearing my unifom dress and dress shoesin grammar school. Schools shouldn't care how they look unless they is unappropriate. Why do schools care about what students wear to school? Schools just want something toagrue about that's why thy sohard on whether they wear uniform or not. Uniform doesn't mean anthing to high school students they still going towear wha;sin style at school. Some students don't fe comfortable wearing school uniforms. Uniform isn't important. One of the main reason shouldn't should wear uniforms because of the cost.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Terry Vs Ohio Case
The main points of Terry Vs. Ohio is police can stop you if they have a reason and if the look like they about to commit a crime or has commit a crime. Police officers can check you to see if you have any weapons on you. For the police protection they can check your outer clothings for weapons too. The Terry Vs. Ohio is basically about is to stop or frisk. The police officer can stop you anywhere on the street to search and seizures you. If the police officer see that you is a dangerous person they will stop you. Police officer must have a probable cause before they search or arrest a person. The Supreme Court can stop and frisk a suspicious person in public without probable cause. If you are carrying any weapons the Supreme Court said police officer doesn’t need any probable cause. You can be charged for possessions of illegal weapons discovered through a lawful pat down. Some officers stop suspicious people in public because so they can protect other people in the public area. Police must pat you down to must sure you not hiding and illegal items in your outer clothes or inside of your clothes. Some people refuse to let officers pat them down even if they know they did some or not. If you do not wish to be pat down please verbally state your refusal. The Supreme court made they decision about the case in 1968 to make this as one of the Amendments. Police officers sometimes called this case the Terry frisk. Before you pat them down you must explain to them your reason for you doing that. I think Terry Vs Ohio is a case because you can find many dangerous and harmful peoples in the public area. If police officers find anything drugs or weapons on you they will send you to jail. Police Officers also have to read you your rights too. Week Vs United States is another case that is similar to Terry Vs Ohio case. Terry Vs Ohio allow you to investigate into a crime scene you see on the streets. Many people don’t like the Terry Vs Ohio case because they say it’s another way they can get caught fast before they do the crime. Do you really think Terry Vs Ohio is a really good case? The police officers may perform a search for weapons with a warrant. I think police officers should contine to do they job all they trying to do is protect other people who is in danger. Many people today refuse to let police officers search them and they first thing they say I didn't do nothing. Some of the people the police officer pick up on the street isn't innocent or guilty. Stop and Frisk is a search and seizure that invades people privacy. Police officers will askyou questions when they stop you. You do have alot of croe cops in this world today so you have to watchout for that. When its time to go to court ou must have evidence or proof that the person had illegal items on them. Males officers only suppose to search males if you stop a female you have to go get a female officer to search them. In my own opinion I think its a good idea Supreme Curt made they decision for police officers can searcg people in the police by stopping them. The most important thing is police officer have to search you no matter where you at. Some cases need probable cause and some don't it all depends on the Supreme Court decision.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Online Classes better than Traditional Classes
I think online classes is better than traditional classes. This semester I'm taking three online classes and I love it. Online classes help me have a better personal life. I choose to take online classes because its better for me. But, I think online classes have more work than traditional classes.
I think some people take online classes because some student stay in different states or can't come on campus. One of the good advantage of taking classes is you don't have to sit in the classes room( Online classses can help you balance your family and job. The only thing I don't like about online classes it cost more.
Students don't have to hear a teacher talk for fifty to hour. Some classes is fun and inteesting online. When you want to know your grade or what you have to do in class you can just go to your blackboard. In this article they say its better to earn your credit better. I like that some of my online classes work is due on Sunday's. They give me enough time to fo all my homework. You can save money if you travel a long distance(
Monday, September 3, 2012
What I like to do on my free time.
School always have me busy. So, I barely have free time. I make sure my work is done before I have fun. I love to shop, hang with my friends and go bowling. I love to shop for shoes, clothes, jewelry, and electronics.
Monday through Friday I'm always busy doing homework. I only have free time on the weekends. When I go school it make me get my mind off school. I love to do positive things in my free times. Sometimes I be mad I only have free time only on the weekends. I have to balance school and personal stuff. At the end of the day I feel broke down from school.
The only time I don't have free time is doing midterms and finals. On Sundays I usually don't do anything because I have school the next day. My friends can hang whenever they want to because some of them don't go to school.
The most thing I like to do on my free time is relax. I have a long day at school Monday through Friday and I need rest. Also, on the weekends I clean my apartment, go grocery shopling, and take care of my personal business.
I'm so happy I don't have kids because if you I do I be tied up. But, I love to have fun whenever I can. I rather do school stuff then to party and have fun everyday.
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